U – Under God – “Except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it“ (Psalm 127:1) which Benjamin Franklin quoted on June 28th, 1787 during a presentation at the Constitutional Convention.  After 35 days of making no progress being made by our founders in creating a constitution, Franklin called our founders to seek the Lord for help; Franklin knew that it would unproductive and a waste of time, to do otherwise.

N – Non-Partisan – The bar to measure the performance of our elected public servants should be whether or not he or she adheres to the oath that took to defend the constitution and serve the people regardless of political party.  The true enemy is not a person or political party, but the enemy who rules the world.

I – Involve Locally – God’s counterbalance to Governments who cause division is to get involve locally (such as a school board) which is to focus on bring truth to expose the enemy (and the enemy is Satan NOT your friends, neighbors, or family).

T – Teach – Pass down knowledge to the younger generation about how God has blessed America and to warn against the tactics of using Fear and Free stuff as tools to give up our liberties.

E – Encourage – Courage is contagious.  Join others to stand up for what is right.  Evil exists only when good men and woman do nothing.  The Salt & Light of truth will encourage others to stand.  Together we can unite to restore our culture back to the God of the Bible as established by our founders.  When assembling or encountering any group, avoid the temptation to put a label on anyone.  Labels on people or groups of people of ANY kind, whether even for the noblest of reasons, of any kind, are used by the enemy to divide and conquer.